Saturday, 26 January 2013

Recipe Review: Chocolate Torte

So, picture the scene.. Boxing Day, extended family over, 14 people squashed round an extended dining table. Desserts bought out and nearest to me is the delicious Cook Chocolate Torte. Yum. Except, of course, I can't eat it.

Possibly the low point of Christmas 2012 (mince pies might be nice, but they just don't compare with chocolate torte!), Mr LFL assured me that we would make a lacto free chocolate torte in the New Year. I didn't really believe him for many reasons...
1. We wouldn't get round to looking for a recipe
2. We wouldn't find a suitable recipe if we did get round to looking for one.
3. We wouldn't be bothered enough to make the chocolate torte. 

However, at the start of 2013, Mr LFL had a look on the Internet, discounted any with raw eggs in, and found a recipe on the following link:

As we can substitute double cream for lacto free cream (as mentioned before), and lots of dark chocolate doesn't contain milk, this recipe was worth a go. So we tried it! 

The recipe:
The recipe itself was clear and we made it without any problems. It definitely doesn't set in under an hour, as we discovered when we lost patience and ate some that evening.
The consistency of the torte we had wasn't quite what the picture looks like either - whether this is because we used lacto free cream which is slightly different or did something else wrong, we are not sure. 

The taste:
It was very creamy, very chocolaty, and really good! We did cut down slightly on the coffee suggested as I am not a coffee person (and why taint chocolate with coffee!). Saying that, it still had a fair coffee taste, and when we try it again I may reduced the coffee even further to try and get a more chocolaty hit. As mentioned before, the consistency wasn't quite right, and it was more of a mousse than a torte in our opinion. This wasn't a problem, as I can't have chocolate mousse either, so it was nice to have something I've not enjoyed for a couple of years now. 

Other points:
It said in the recipe it would last a week in the fridge, but having fresh cream in it we doubt this fact. We didn't test that out as it was gone in 3 sittings very easily! 

Overall, I would definitely make it again, and enjoy it again! We are considering adding a base (such as in a cheesecake) to it so it is easier to cut and to add a little something else - will keep you updated if this works! 


PS. Did you know the chocolately is in fact a word, but it is not spelt as I would presume (as I've written in this sentence), but actually chocolaty. I guessing it is still the same word... 

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