Friday, 12 April 2013

Dark chocolate Lindt bunnies!

So, Easter has come and gone... this year I have had some dark chocolate treats to fill the small (ok, fairly large) milk chocolate gap that has been left by this lactose intolerance malarky.

There was great excitement, therefore, when I chanced upon a dark chocolate lindt bunny when doing my tesco online shop. You can see it here:

I was so very excited by the prospect of lindt chocolate I could eat, I promptly ordered 2, and ate most of 1 before Easter really arrived! However, on careful reflection (and by the fact there is still 1 intact), I was left feeling a bit... meh. Definitely not as enthralled as I would be. I think it is perhaps because I am now used to fairly dark chocolate, as both Hotel Chocolat and Montezuma's have high cocoa percentages in their dark chocolate. The lindt bunny, although creamier and slightly more melty than the previously mentioned brands, just tasted a bit cheaper. I did enjoy it, and it was very more-ish (more so than the other brands, where a little is often  sometimes enough), but I wasn't as wowed as I expected to be. In addition, and it may be pure coincedence, I did find I had stomach ache and didn't feel great most nights after I ate some. This could be down to the quantity of chocolate consumed, of course, and there is definately no milk in the ingrediants, but it did leave me with clear memories of the sort of symptoms I encountered prior to my lacto free life. Which means, at some point in the future, another experiment will need to be conducted with the remaining chocolate bunny. What a shame.... 


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