Friday 4 January 2013


Hello and welcome to my blog - the life of a lactose free lady. 

Since being diagnosed as lactose intolerant 2 years ago, I've discovered many problems, issues and interesting situations that occur with food intolerance's. Some places are fab about food intolerance's, others awful, some products taste great and others are just not worth buying. So this is where I can write reviews, give information, and hopefully help others - both those who are lactose free, and others who may need information for themselves or a friend. 

Just to clarify, I am only mildly intolerant - enough to feel really awful if I eat milk or cream, but not bad enough that I have to be completely dairy free. Therefore, I can eat hard cheese and some butter, due the removal or lactose during production, but soft cheese, cream and milk are all completely out. 

Hope you enjoy the blog!
Lactose Free Lady (LFL)

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